P2P Media
“The Sea Has Many Voices”
Our commitment to producing engaging media content is exemplified by “The Sea Has Many Voices” (TSHMV), a podcast that provides a platform for conversations and solutions to improve humanity’s multi-faceted relationship with the ocean. P2PC’s slate of documentaries will reflect the stories that shape our present and future challenges and the people and places on the frontline of ocean conversation and climate change.
Pole-to-Pole realizes the significance of the power of storytelling when trying to initiate change and we look forward to our Media Outreach Program being a major catalyst for affecting the causes that we support. In the following year, we are expanding our slate to include scripted and non-scripted material. P2P’s production entity, Ocean Renaissance, has optioned Peter Benchley’s novel, “The Girl of the Sea of Cortez”, with a projected 2022 release. Greg and Peter were best friends, diving partners, and shared a love of the ocean. “The Girl” is Peter’s love story to the sea and during one of his last talks with Greg they spoke of the need to make this novel into a film. Peter would be pleased that Greg has a hand in making that possible. “The Girl of the Sea of Cortez” would be a great contribution to popular culture as it emphasizes ocean stewardship, indigenous rights, seamounts, and other unique features in the ocean. In addition, we have proposed a documentary on giant manta rays that would be a strong companion piece to the feature.

The Girl of the Sea of Cortez
A Novel By Peter Benchley
A beguiling John Steinbeck-type fable, The Girl of The Sea of Cortez, is about humanity’s complicated relationship with the sea and was far and away Peter Benchley's best-reviewed book. It has attracted a considerable cult following since its publication (1982). "The Girl" signposted Benchley's growing interest in ecological issues and anticipated his future role as an impassioned and intelligent defender of the ocean imbalance between human activities and the marine environment. Peter Benchley’s fascination with the sea and its magnificent inhabitants inspired such classic novels as Jaws and The Deep, making him the preeminent author of ocean adventure and suspense. Peter Benchley wrote 14 books, of which 4 were made into movies, others into TV programs. The Girl of the Sea of Cortez was his most heartfelt, cherished story of the relationship between man and the sea, both those that live in it and those who love it.
Ocean Renaissance has exclusive worldwide representation for The Girl From the Sea of Cortez.